He is to bring to the priest as a guilt offering a ram from the flock, one without defect and of the proper value. 也要按你所估定的价,从羊群中牵一只没有残疾的公绵羊来,给祭司作赎衍祭。
After making sure that you can use the BUFFPAGE parameter in the database configuration to control the buffer pool size, set it to a proper value. 确保可以使用数据库配置中的BUFFPAGE参数来控制缓冲池大小之后,将该参数设置成合适的值。
Check with your the z/ OS administrator for the proper value, if required. 必要时请与z/OS管理员联系,以便知道正确的值。
Please refer to the Quick Beginnings for proper value to set depending on your physical RAM. 请参考QuickBeginnings,以了解如何根据物理RAM设置适当的值。
If you are using another database, you need to adjust to the proper value ( see the OpenJPA documentation in Resources for supported databases). 如果您在使用其他数据库,则需要将其调整为正确的值(请参见参考资料中的OpenJPA文档以了解受支持的数据库)。
In this code, the main thing that can go wrong is that the ST_Transform() function cannot compute a proper point value in projected coordinates from the given latitude and longitude. 在此代码中,可能导致出错的主要情况是STTransform()函数无法从给定的纬度和经度计算出投影坐标中的正确点值。
For input parameters, provide a proper value with the correct data type. 对于输入参数,提供具有正确数据类型的正确值。
Simply add the values in each section to find the proper value to set. 只需在每个部分中加上相应的值,就可以找到合适的值进行设置。
Technology assessment, as a component of technology management, plays a very vital role in leading the direction of technical development and exhibiting its proper value. 技术评价作为技术管理工作的组成部份,在引导技术发展方向、发挥技术应有价值上具有举足轻重的作用。
When we try to get the proper value and proper function of an angular momentum, we need to use the cape momentum calculates the sign among the ball sits to mark the expression. 在求角动量的本征值及本征函数时,要用到角动量算符在球坐标中的表达式。
And herein it is necessary to remember that the attention given to everything has its proper value and proportion. 在此有必要记住,给予一切事物的注意,有它自己恰当的价值和比例。
This sesame paste improves your Breakfast By its special taste and proper calorie value. 本芝麻糊以独特的口味,恰当的热量,为您的早餐增色。
Proper value of dietary electrolyte balance ( DEB) is benefical for improving nutrient utilization, performance and to maintain animal health. 本试验研究不同的日粮电解质平衡值(dEB值)对银香麻鸡生产性能和血液理化指标的影响。
What I heard is that majority of Indian degrees are not given proper value in US, except IIT or IIM ( may be, not sure). 我听到的是大部分印度学位并不能在美国得到承认,除了IIT或者IIM(只是听说,不确认)。
When an enterprise conceives its value-net to obtain competitive advantage, it must fulfill the main responsibilities as following: giving a proper value positioning, developing network strategy and absorbing new network partners; 企业构筑价值网络的主要职责是:明确网络的客户价值定位,制定网络战略;
In chapter 3, by virtue of the index for semi-closed 1-set contraction mapping on the unbounded sets ( see [ 9]), some well-known boundary conditions and proper value problems on bounded sets in Banach spaces are extended to the case that is on unbounded sets. 第三章运用文[9]无界集上的不动点指数去研究Banach空间无界集上的一些著名的边界条件以及固有值问题,获得无界集上相应的定理。
For the safety of gas transmission in long distance pipeline, the method regarding how to get the proper value of pressure drop rate for the fast block valve on pipeline is studied. 根据输气管道安全的需要,对干线快速截断阀压降速率设定值的确定方法进行了研究。
Only when loyalty of employees well matches their ability, can it bring about proper value of performance. The acceptance of culture and value criterion is basis of the cooperation of the employees and the enterprises. 员工忠诚度只有与其能力相匹配才能对绩效产生应有的价值,文化与价值标准的认同是员工与企业合作的基础。
Recommends the proper value of pressure difference between negative pressure wards and adjacent clean zones. 给出了负压病房和相邻洁净区域压差的推荐值。
When the product purity is above 90%, the product recovery is about 19%. The product purity increases with the length-to-diameter ratio of column increasing and the proper value of the ratio is between 3.7 and 4.0. 随着产品气流量的增加,产品气纯度下降,而回收率升高,在所要求的纯度下,回收率能达到19%;在微型化条件下,合适吸附塔的高径比为3.7~4.0之间。
On shaping the main channel on a certain section of the lower Yellow River, the required proper value of floods W~ 0.32Q~ 0.37 is fixed. If discharge is greater, the required flood volume can be reduced; 就塑造黄河下游一定断面的主槽而言,所需洪水动力特征值W0.32Q0.37是一定的,若流量较大,则需要的洪量可减少;
By applying CFD to simulate designs and improve on the inconsequential designs, it can make the symmetrical distributing of velocity and temperature of air in HVAC, obtain a proper value of velocity and reduce the yawp value. 通过应用CFD技术对蒸发器总成进行数值仿真设计并改进设计结构上的不合理部分,可以达到使总成内空气的速度、温度得到均匀的分布,得到适当的速度值以及降低噪声的目的;
But for the least loss of total lysine, the proper value of temperature is less than 28.21 ℃ and moisture is higher than 12.40%, respectively. 温度低于2812℃和水分高于1240%,可降低总赖氨酸含量损失。
A equivalent reduction coefficient is suggested to consider the decaying effects of prestress strands after strengthening, and the proper value is estimated through theoretic deduction and parameter analysis. 提出以FRP片材等效折减系数来考虑PC受弯构件加固后极限状态预应力钢筋效能降低的影响,并结合理论推导和参数分析讨论了系数的取值方法。
Theoretically the imperfect will affect its play its proper value. 理论上的不完善就会影响其发挥它应有的价值。
The work of analyzing the mechanism of debris and bubble movements will provide the theoretical basis for controlling the parameters of EDM to keep a proper value of the debris concentration and bubble volume in bottom gap and to realize high efficiency machining. 研究极间间隙内加工屑和气泡的运动规律和机理,可以为控制电火花加工参数,使极间间隙内的加工屑浓度和气泡体积保持在合适的范围内,进而实现高效加工提供理论依据。
At the same time the mass awareness and proper value system are essential to guarantee the institutions reform. 同时还要提高广大群众的思想意识,形成配套的意识形态和价值观,才能顺利地推行制度改革。
N-6/ n-3 ratio of 23, much larger than the unsaturated fatty acids in the proper value of the recommended n6/ n3 4~ 6:1. Qingdao, a higher dietary fat intake was mainly due to cooking oil and nuts intake more. n-6/n-3比值23,远远大于不饱和脂肪酸中n6/n3的推荐适宜值4~6:1。青岛居民膳食脂肪摄入量较高的主要原因是烹调用油及坚果类摄入量较多。
The thesis emphasized to research the distribute database technique and the model of Person-Person interaction environment, The system adopted B/ S ( browser/ server) database structure, and we can input the proper value on the client-side, and check cases on the sever-side. 论文着重研究了分布式数据库技术和人-人交互环境模型,本项目中的数据库采用B/S结构,即浏览器/服务器结构,在客户端输入特征值,在服务器端查询案例。
Geological data is not reflected its proper value in economic construction which bearing geological information, because long-term understanding of deviation of geological data and inadequate legal protection. 承载地质信息的地质资料由于长期以来的认识偏差和法律保护的不完善,无法在经济建设中体现其应有的价值。